2nd Annual Hoppin’, Brewin’, and Campin’ Trip

Please complete this registration form prior to August 31st.

Do you like fresh locally sourced hops? What about wild and fresh local sourced fruit? What do you think of fresh spring water? Better yet, would you enjoy the adventure of going out into the great outdoors of Arizona to seek them out? Would you like to bring those resources back home and then brew a beer with them?  If you are still reading this, then of course you do!

Date: Friday September 6th through Sunday September 8th, 2023.

Note: Check those dates again! The ones in the July Hot Break are incorrect.

Camping location: https://goo.gl/maps/S6Fcu6BUVXDu35wS8. (33°50’45.1″N 109°25’29.1″W)

We’ll be headquartered in the vicinity of Big Lake and there’s a Tackle and Supply shop just a few miles away (15 minutes) which is stocked with various supplies. Big Lake Tackle and Supply is located at FS road 8115 store front, Greer, AZ 85927

Cost: Free, and that’s “no charge” in layman’s terms!

How to sign up: Complete this Google registration form.

Who can attend this event: ASH members, family members, friends and guests (non ASH members welcome).

The Plan: This will be a fairly rugged bare bones – no frills, camping, hop hunting and brew out trip. There is no fee for camping and permits are not required. We will meet and camp at the priviously stated location. Please note that there is no water, electric or facilities, and it will likely be fairly chilly, so please plan accordingly.  We will search for a local hop commonly referred to as Neomexicanis https://byo.com/article/neomexicanus-hops/

  • Friday September 15
    • Arrive at the location set up camp.
    • Talk beer stuff, plan for the next days events.
    • Camping Karaoke?
  • Saturday, September 16
    • Wake up, eat breakfast, meet up and-hunt for hops and local fruit!
    • Meet back at camp and start the brewing sessions.
    • Evening Potluck Dinner. See the sign up sheet.
  • Sunday, September 17
    • Additional Brew Session?
    • More beery talk
    • Pack up-or stay…. Your choice!

Trip Camping Details: The location is approximately 4 hours from Phoenix. Cell phone service is spotty at best in some areas. We’ll be dry camping, and there is no electricity. Please prepare for potentially chilly temps-especially overnite.  We’ll be at around 10,000 feet in elevation. So the idea is to partner up with somebody to cut down on the amount of equipment and product to haul up there.  For example some should bring the brewing equipment and others should bring up the ingredients. That way we don’t have 7 burners, and no kettles or 40 pounds of Crystal malt, and no base malt etc.  There will be a natural spring water source for brewing, but bring containers if you plan on sourcing that water. Or bring your own water. We can brew on a few systems and split our bounty… you know – like the pirates did! Or, if you’re a brew your own kinda peep, that’s fine too!

Suggested items to bring: Beer, water, food, appropriate clothing and camping supplies. Sunscreen… hey, the sun is still out in full force up north too!  Flashlight/headlamps, batteries, appropriate footwear, We will be dry camping or “roughing it” so they say. Therefore, please consider the environment, temperature, food, clothing and shelter needs. Water, water, water!! Let’s be great environmental stewards and keep track of what we pack in and make sure we pack it out.

For the Brewing Session: We need volunteers to commit to a larger brew setup (non electric).  We can either share systems and partner up or if you want to bring your own system that’s fine too. On the registration form please indicate what you intend to bring.

Any questions should be directed to: Trevor Tyner – [email protected] -OR- Todd Beutel Board Member & Special Projects Coordinator [email protected]  text/ph. 605-786-7460

Register here.

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