2025 ASH Board Nominees

Here are some statements from your 2025 ASH Board nominees. In-person voting will take place October 26 at the ASH FallFest. If you will need an absentee ballot, while it won’t be anonymous, you can email your list of up to eight of the following nominees to [email protected] before Noon, October 26.

Board members are not elected to a position, but rather, positions are determined by consensus among the new Board Members at their first meeting.

Allen Martin
I was introduced to craft beer and brewing about 12 years ago by my wife Jackie. I took up making mead first, about 8 years ago, but then slowly started brewing more and more beer. I am a BJCP certified mead judge and 3 time national meadmaker of the year.

Craig Greenwood
I’ve been a homebrewer since early 2020 and enjoy the endless opportunities for creativity in creating recipes as well as variations in the process. I’ve expanded my brewing to other, alternative fermentation arts, and also find satisfaction in discovering thrifty homebrewing hacks. As the Secretary and Communications Director the past two years I’ve enjoyed meeting and learning from other ASH members, and look forward to more of the same in the coming years.

David Smolinski
I have been brewing since the Spring of 2017. I really enjoy the brewing process and tasting all types of beers as I continue in my preparations for the BJCP tasting exam. As a returning Board member I would like to continue the challenges of educating the members in all manners of brewing, hosting world-class competitions and the challenge of building out the best clubhouse any brew club could imagine. I will continue to support the ASH mission and strive to build the brotherhood of home brewers and hope to be able to continue in my commitment to those goals.

Jackie Jacoby
I’ve been brewing for 12 years and been an ASH member for just as long. I’m a BJCP Certified judge and a Cicerone Beer Server. I’m an accountant and served as Treasurer on the ASH board in 2020.

Johan Warnholtz
Although I’ve only been homebrewing and a member of ASH for a couple of years, I am not new to organizing and managing events of all sizes. Through my work as the Marketing & Events Director at PHOENIX magazine, I have coordinated beer festivals, food festivals, cocktail parties, fundraisers and more. I believe, as a returning Board member, I can continue to be an asset to the club by building on the existing events and projects that ASH already has, as well as conceptualizing and executing on new ideas that bring value and fundraising potential to the club and its members. I have unending passion for beer and the beer community and I would continue to bring that passion to the ASH board.

Keith Mycek
A member of ASH since 2006, and an active Board member of the best homebrew club in the country since 2015. I am super excited for the next year. I will continue to champion improvements our clubhouse facility, and to focus our volunteer Board’s efforts to grow the club’s membership, revenue, and value – both for our members and for our sponsor partners. With YOUR continued support, participation, and dedication – we will solidify our place in the community as THE place in the valley where skilled homebrewers, discerning judges, and lifelong friends come to share their love of the craft. Prost!

Nicholas Mellor
My home brewing experience blossomed around the same time I began my degree in biology and chemistry. So I did as any nerd would do and did a nose dive into the material including geeking out on the latest brewing research! I also had a stint as a high energy radio jock for my local radio in Colorado. There I did lots of promotional work which included working with social media – experince I’d like to contribute to the betterment of ASH.

Tim Keohane
I Have been an active member of ASH since 2018 and enjoy taking part in the events, education and competitions pertaining to our love of AZ homebrewing. I have been homebrewing for 23 yrs and professionally brewing for 2.

I think I could be a great addition to the board in many ways. I am in attendance at most events and meetings as well as active in the brewing community whether its homebrewing or professional, local or elsewhere. I love to see others excel and am always happy to help or point in the right direction. I understand what it takes to operate, market, and keep a “club” consistent, like minded and active. Last but not least… I love brewing 🙂

Todd Beutel
I have been an active ASH member since 2018, where I not only gained great beery knowledge, but also a wealth of resources for all things homebrewing. More importantly, true friendships and comradery second to none! I recently became a Certified BJCP Beer Judge. I’d be honored to continue to serve as a board member of ASH.

Trevor Tyner
I’ve been homebrewing since 2018 and have been BJCP certified for over a year now. I’ve successful co-organized two fresh hop campouts and believe I could contribute to keeping ASH as one of the best homebrew clubs in the nation.

Warren Stern
I have been an ASH member for many years, although I did not brew much while my children were young. I have spent 33 years leading the healthcare company I founded in 1989. I bring to the Treasurer position a solid background in business management and am very familiar with the financial tools used by ASH to manage our accounts. I think membership in ASH provides a great value to all homebrewers!

Wayne Feller
I was destined to brew beer after tasting my father‘s Olympia, circa 1978. A recent empty nester, I have been home brewing for 10 years and have really grown to appreciate the art and the camaraderie developed in the club post-pandemic. Looking forward to the opportunity and sustaining that vibe for years to come.

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