It’s that time again – the time for us to scrutinize the carefully worded paragraphs that define our charter. As much as we would have liked to just increase the number of Board Members to 9 so the we can officially welcome Nick Mellor to the 2025 Board – we have to do some housekeeping, first.
In keeping with the rules of the road, we are officially notifying the membership, prior to the next General Meeting, where we will discussed the proposed changes to the by-laws. Specifically, Section 2.2 was reworked to allow the Board the flexibility to expand or contract the number of official Board members, at the discretion of the Board – in order to better serve the club. Ideally, this would be an odd number of Board members, with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 11, total. The other changes are minor grammatical suggestions from Google.
Please familiarize yourself with this new version. If you have any questions or comments to the Board before they officially vote to incorporate these changes – your opportunity will be at this next General Meeting, held at the Clubhouse (and via Zoom) on Tuesday, January 21st. In addition, we will discuss the “State of the Club”. See you then!
The proposed By-Laws can be viewed here. Cheers!