How to Join

Greeting Arizona Homebrewers.

The Arizona Society of Homebrewers (ASH) is a community of homebrewers made up of novice and experienced brewers alike, who share a love for good beer and good company.

  • ASH is home to a climate controlled member’s lounge in Tempe, with 4 televisions, a pool table, a foosball table . . . and a 12 tap kegerator stocked with homebrew and local craft beers.
  • ASH holds monthly educational meetings on topics from fermenting under pressure to fermenting hot sauce.
  • We have group brewouts where members brew together in our Clubhouse parking lot and welcome the curious to stop by and watch homebrewing in action and talk to the brewers while they brew.
  • There are classes in beer judging, so you can learn what makes a beer true to a particular style.
  • ASH hosts multiple completions each year, some are national, and others are just for members – all are great ways to get constructive feedback on the beers you brew.
  • We schedule monthly hangouts at local breweries to enjoy the comradery of your ASHmates, while sampling a variety of craft beers.

How many more reasons do you need to join Arizona’s premier homebrew club?


Full Access:

For those want to reap all the benefits of ASH membership, they should purchase a Full Access membership. This membership tier has access to attend all functions at the clubhouse – including club meetings, homebrew hangouts, etc. Full Access members will also have the ability to bring a “plus 1” (21+) to our festivals and winter holiday party. This plus one is intended for your significant other or designated driver. If your household contains multiple brewers that will be attending meetings and participating in other club events (including competitions) it is recommended to purchase an additional “household” membership for that person. This membership requires pre-approval via a Google Form that will be linked to in your confirmation email. All Full Access members can purchase one additional household membership, and is discounted 50% off the full access membership price. Each full and household member will receive their own, personalized membership card that can be used for discounts at our industry partners throughout the valley.
Membership: $60

Virtual Access:

For those who do not need to meet in person a Virtual Access membership is available. Virtual Access members can attend and participate in our live Zoom simulcasts of our general meetings, access online content, communicate with other club members in Facebook, and compete in member only competitions. Virtual members can attend up to 2 trial, in person meetings at the clubhouse and can upgrade their membership for an additional $20 at any time. Virtual members will have their personalized membership cards sent to the address on file. This card can be used for discounts at our industry partners throughout the valley. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing and shipping.
Membership: $40

Household Member:
This membership is an optional, 50% off discounted membership provided to Full Access members (one per each Full Member). To qualify for this additional membership, Full Access members must fill out a Google Form linked in their Full Membership confirmation email, and provide their significant other’s email address. This email will be added to a list of qualified household members, and an email confirming the eligibility will be sent to the household member. After the eligibility email has been received, the household member can register on our website, and will be able to complete the discounted purchase, as normal.

These legacy tiers have been retired and replaced with Full Access or Virtual Access memberships.

Renewal Period

Memberships will be for a rolling 12 months from the date of signup.  Memberships will use a yearly subscription and may use an automatic payment setting.  Paypal will send out subscription confirmation emails.  Members will retain the same card instead of having to pickup a new card every year.


How much are the memberships?
– Current 2022 prices: $60 for Full access, $40 for Virtual access only, $30 for additional household card carrying member.

Are guests allowed to attend meetings?
– Any guest you bring may attend up to 2 club meetings, and will be required to sign the guest log and provide an email. At the second meeting, the guest will be reminded that if they wish to continue coming to our meetings, then they must purchase their own Full Membership, or they will be turned away. 

If I sign up for a full access membership, does that mean my brew buddy doesn’t need to get their own membership?
– No, each brewer should purchase their own membership. The “plus one” in the full membership is intended for a household member to attend festivals and parties.

I think the memberships should be more than $60, can I pay more?
– Yes, we do actually get this question. We definitely appreciate those that see the value in the club and wish to provide support beyond the minimum. We may add another membership tier in the future that allows a more flexible support. For now, please use the Donate button on the homepage to submit any additional financial support beyond the basic membership.

Who should sign up for Virtual Only memberships?
– Homebrewers that who cannot or do not desire to meet in person at the clubhouse. In some cases this may be due to their geographical location (members move around), or are unwilling to accept the risk of meeting in person given the pandemic.

How do I pick a membership tier?

What membership tiers are available?

How do I pay for a membership?
– After selecting a membership, you will be redirected to paypal to submit payment. You can pay by credit card, even if you don’t have a paypal account. Your membership purchase is not complete until you are redirected back from PayPal with a valid invoice number. Please save this invoice number in case there are any issues that need to be resolved by the Board. Checks/cash are not currently accepted.

Can I pay membership dues by cash or check?
We prefer payment by paypal since it integrates directly into our membership program and is instantaneous.  If paypal is a deal breaker for you, we can accept cash/check payment for memberships at one of our meeting events.   Please be patient when paying by check/cash since it’s a manual process.

  • Upon receipt of cash or check:
  • If you are a renewing member, we’ll update your membership to expire in 12 months.
  • If you are a new member, we’ll email you a code that can be used during registration.  You are still required to register on this website.  

Is it worth it to pay $60 for a Full Access membership?
– We certainly think so. For less than the price of a pint of craft brew, you get monthly meetings, discounts at local businesses, brewouts, BJCP classes, workshops, homebrew hangouts, wort thefts, group buys, homebrew group social media, in person interaction with other brewers, quality feedback on competition submissions and can attend SpringFest, Oktoberfest and the Winter party. Your $5/month also helps pay for ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, technical infrastructure (wifi, website, cameras, zoom). A portion of your membership also goes to supporting the NAU brewing scholarship program.

How can my spouse/significant other have an actual membership card and attend all events?
– If you sign up for a full access membership and receive a membership card, your full access confirmation email will contain information on how to signup an additional household member for $30.

I signed up for a Virtual Access membership, how do I switch to full access so that I can attend in person events?
– From the main menu, select Memberships > My Membership to switch to the other membership level. (or click

Will I receive a new card every year?
– Your membership card will no longer be printed annually. You will retain the same card (much like a Costco or library card). If your card is worn to the point that it’s not scannable, then please turn it in at the front desk and a new one will be printed for you.

How will I know if my membership is active?
– Log into our website. From the main menu, select Memberships > My Membership, or you can check your membership status by scanning the appropriate QR code on the back of your new membership card. Note, if you signed up in 2021, you will receive the new card on your 12 month anniversary, when you select one of the new membership levels (Virtual or Full Access). The old “Gold” and “Silver” cards won’t have the new QR code to check the validity of your membership.

How will discount partners know if I’m an active member?
– Each membership card will contain a QR code on the back to check membership status.

What is the reason for all this added complexity and rigor. Why differentiate Full from Virtual memberships? Who cares?
– Now that we have a clubhouse again, we must maintain additional insurance for that facility. We realize that a clubhouse in Tempe isn’t much of a benefit for someone that lives far away, can’t attend on Tuesday nights, or they don’t want to risk being around others during the pandemic. This is our attempt to keep those members engaged in our meetings and competitions, while simultaneously ensuring that we maintain the appropriate level of insurance for those that do want attend in person and enjoy our new, amazing clubhouse.

How do I cancel my membership / auto pay with PayPal?
This is easy. There are two ways to cancel your automatic subscription.
First try:
Alternatively: Cancel subscription with PayPal : Go to , find your auto pay subscription for Arizona Homebrewers and click the cancel button. Your membership will remain active one year from your last successful payment. You will still receive a reminder email one week prior to your expiration – at which point you can renew, or if you do nothing, your membership will expire.

Is the automatic renewal necessary? Can I continue to go one year at a time?
Of course! The automatic renewal was designed to seamlessly keep your membership active, ensuring that you can receive all the content and benefits of membership without having to manually process a payment, annually. You can cancel the automatic payments at any time (procedure above), and your membership will stay active one year from your last payment. You will still receive a reminder email, one week before your membership expires so that you can continue an uninterrupted membership to ASH.

If you have any issues with the cancellation (the annual subscription is new for us, so let us know) – please email Paul Vincent at [email protected]   

5 thoughts on “How to Join”

  1. I was a member in 2017 and no longer have the card. Will I receive a new card and if so will it be mailed or do I have to go to meeting to pick it up?

    1. Hey Randy – welcome back! We typically create & hand out membership cards at the monthly general meetings. If you are unable to make it and would like the card, let me know and I can figure out how to get it to you.

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